Saturday 5 April 2014

Digipak Promotional Magazine Advert

Rough design:

Above is a draft drawing of the design for the digipak promotional magazine advert. I've drawn out the design and embedded it above. Going through this design process is key was it allowed me to visualise lots of different layouts for the digipak and then choose the most suitable design. Also planning how my group wanted the digipak to look before hand makes it easier to create the final product.

Final design:
Below is an image of the digipak promotional magazine advert I have created for my group. I've used Photoshop to help with this task. I aimed to create the promotional advert with the same motif as the digipak. Doing so makes the digipak easily related and associated with the advertisement. I've used the front panel image and the same text from the digipak in the magazine promotional advert.

Like most convetional pop digipak promotional adverts, I've made sure to include key text related to the digipak and singles on it. I've also listed where the album can be purchased and when it will be available to buy. Both these features are typical of pop digipak promotional adverts.

The promotional advert has drawn inspiration from Jessie J's promotional advert for one of her albums. I've included an image of her advert alongside our advert to denote the conventions our advertisement follows.

  • On the left is Jessie J's promotional advert which features a simple bold font differing from the album font, which is something included in my groups advert too.
  • Also the album cover image is the main focus of the advert. 
  • The advert includes images of her record label and has a link to where her digipak can be bought
  • The text on her advert follows the same colour scheme as the text from the front panel of her digipak    

Below is an image of my groups final promotional magazine advert.

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