Tuesday 8 October 2013

Audience Profiling

During lesson time as a class we discussed the importance of audience profiling when music videos are created, as it helps musicians meet their target audiences expectations. We talked of both demo graphics and psychographics being key in grouping audiences. Demographics are general brackets people fit into for example their age and their  gender come under demographics. On the other hand, psychographics focus on social groups audiences can be associated with based on their life styles. An example of a psychographic would be 'strugglers'. Strugglers are people who feel alienated within society and  have a lack of resources, they live off impact and sensation. In addition 'strugglers' are heavy consumers of alcohol and junk foods.

After the lesson my group worked together creating a Prezi presentation to audience profile Jessie J's listeners. This helped us realise what type of people Jessie J's fans were and therefore allowed us to distinguish what viewers of our video would like to see. Within our audience profile demographics, psychographics and dedicated brands fans are highlighted.

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