Saturday 8 February 2014

Final Treatment

From reading the feedback gained from my peers there are some key points made about my groups treatment which we will have to take into consideration. Some of the improvements suggested will be taken into consideration when making our video, and so our draft treatment will need some changes made to it.

After some consideration and looking at audience feedback on our treatment my group has decided that we want to alter our treatment slightly. We've decided to change the concept of our video to be more performance based as 'Domino' doesn't have a very strong narrative. Also there could be some issues with filming a party narrative such as bad lighting and staging making our video seem unrealistic, giving it an overall bad quality. Even though we will focus on performance more in the video we will still try to include numerous visual conventions like product placement and references to lyrics in our video.

Below I've embedded the final treatment that my group member Beth had created, using SlideShare, highlighting the changes made from the draft.

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