Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Music Video Preperations - Filming Schedule

In today's lesson my group decided to create a filming schedule, to make sure that all the group members would be available for filming. We decided that the best times to film would be on weekends and during our free periods during and after school. After discussing when the best time to film the video would be we decided as a group that we could split filming up into five parts. Five filming sessions guarantees that my group will have enough footage to create a full video with and allows us to have extra footage in case of any filmed mistakes. We decided it would be a good idea to film the star in our video wearing a different costume in each film session. The four outfits chosen will be used in the first four filming days. The fifth filming day will consist of my group trying to film the bridge of the son, as its conventional in the pop genre for the bridge of the song to have a different mood and setting. 
Below is the filming schedule with the days that we plan to film on

Monday 3rd March 2014 - 12.25 - 13.10

  • Filming in costume one 

Thursday 6th March 2014 - 10.00 - 11.05

  • Filming in costume 2

Sunday 9th March 2014 - 12.00 - 13.00

  • Filming in costume 3
Wednesday 12th March 2014 - 14.25 - 15.00

  • Filming in costume 4
Thursday 13th March 2014 - 09.00 - 10.00

  • Filming the bridge part of the song

This activity has been very useful and has highlighted the importance of filming time and planning before we film our project. The schedule help stay organised and is a guideline to make sure we will have all the footage needed for the editing stage of the video. We don't want to have to keep on re-filming footage when in the middle of editing the video as that will put us behind our deadlines and can cause us to become very disorganized and confused of what footage we have to work from. Having a film schedule will have a large impact on the final music video as it will ensure my group has enough time to edit the video to allow us to create the best music video possible in the time frame we are given.

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